Anniston Rotary Honors Earth Day at Donoho

“If we want to build a better, healthier, and more peaceful world, we need a healthy planet to do it on.”
– Ian Riseley, Rotary International President

On Tuesday, April 24th, a special school assembly was held in honor of Rotary International’s worldwide initiative. President Ian Riseley challenged every Rotary club to make a difference by planting a tree for each of its 1.2 million members. Trees remove carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases from the air, providing a healthier planet. Our local chapter is working with area non-profit organizations to add beauty and improve the environment of Anniston.

Our Head of School, Mr. David Noone, spoke to the Upper and Middle School students in the special assembly about the paramount impact of civic duty and engagement, as well as Rotary’s Four-Way Test of ethics:

1. Is it the TRUTH?
2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?
4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

Mr. Noone encouraged students to use the Four-Way Test in their lives to benefit personal and professional moral character.

Following the assembly, a beautiful Lace Leaf Japanese Maple was planted to serve the worldwide initiative as well as a tangible reminder that service before self is an admirable way to live. Upper and Middle School students joined the team who orchestrated the tree planting at Donoho.

Special thanks to these special individuals for being a part of this difference-making initiative:

Tim Ross
Nancy Lipham
Carol Kirk
Earl Warren
Jack Svenson – (P’ Jack Class of 2018)
David Noone – (P’ John, Class of 2019)
Jonathan Mosely (P’ Chloe, Class of 2029)
Dale Benton (P’ Daniel, Class of 2027)

We thank you for your service to our community and for making Donoho a more beautiful campus in which our students will grow.

The Anniston Rotary Club is a civic club that has had a profound impact on making the world around them better since 1917. For generations, the majority of our region’s business, nonprofit, and government leaders have filled their membership roles while endeavoring to uphold the Four-Way Test and put service above self.